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Wellhausen Becomes a Color Commentator for Milwaukee Admirals AHL Team

Updated: Feb 23, 2019

Baylee Wellhausen started out at LEAD Hockey as a camper. Through hard work and dedication, she accomplished her dreams of playing college hockey and serving as a captain for the Wisconsin Badgers. After her colligate career, she then came back to LEAD to fill a different role. In the summer of 2018, Baylee became a LEAD coach to dedicate some of her time to giving back to the game that she adores. Baylee now is living in Milwaukee, working for the Milwaukee Admirals AHL Team as a color commentator. Check out Baylee’s experience at LEAD, and how it has helped her since her time as a camper, through college, and transitioning into a different career path!

What kind of skills/life lessons has LEAD Hockey taught you that has helped you on the Ice?

“LEAD Hockey has taught me exactly what is in its own name--how to be a leader. It has taught me to be receptive of instruction, to listen to my teammates and coaches, and to always strive towards improvement in all areas of my game. There is no part of your game that you cannot make better, and that will take hard work. LEAD taught me resilience and instilled confidence in myself!”

What kind of skills/ life lessons have you learned from LEAD Hockey that you use today off the ice ?

“Similar skills that I discovered on the ice through LEAD translated into my life off the ice as well. LEAD reminded me that anything is possible through dedication, and that every person on a team has something to offer. I use the various skills LEAD has taught me to take action in my career and help myself and others grow. Plus, I am fortunate enough to have a career within the world of hockey, so everything I learned through LEAD is accessible!”

What do you do daily to be a leader both on and off the ice?

“Being a leader on and off the ice can sometimes be challenging! Life is not always easy. I try to start every day with a smile, and a positive message to myself even if it's something along the lines of ‘you are going to be amazing today.’ Although I am no longer participating in hockey competitively, being a leader is just as important outside of the game. Whether I am working with others, or on a journey by myself, leadership is vital to success. It is a part of my relationships. Being a leader means listening to others, and I try to listen to the people who mean the most to me, help them with any concerns they have, be there for them. In terms of my bosses or authority figures, I have to be able to take their guidance to better myself. And amidst everything, I try to maintain a positive attitude. Here is a little secret: every night before bed, I write the things that went well that day--that made me happy. Then I write the aspects of my life I can improve on, or the reactions I had that day that might not have been the best. It is a way that keeps me accountable and always gaining perspective!”

Baylee had a huge impact on helping us put on our first ever LEAD All Girls Clinic

What are your future aspirations/goals?

“I am so incredibly passionate about writing and the field of communications. Currently I am testing the waters in broadcasting, given the chance to color commentate for the Milwaukee Admirals AHL team for televised broadcasts, but I am also working in the restaurant business! I also have a blog. Life is full of twists and turns and awesome opportunities--I am hoping to continue to follow my heart and share my gifts with the world, however that may be. Someday I hope to write a best-selling novel (or many) as well. All in all, I want to continue to inspire children to chase their dreams and CAPTURE them!”

How do you plan on using the skills learned in LEAD Hockey, to achieve those goals?

“I plan on continuing to follow my passions, and to try to stay true to myself rather than comparing myself to others! LEAD also taught me that everyone's journey and growth are unique and that every person is on his/her own timeline, not anyone else's. I hope to carry that gentle reminder throughout my future.”

If you are looking for even more inspiration, you can go ahead and read Baylee's blog "The Next Stride" by clicking here! Her blog is there to help anyone who is looking to find inspiration or comfort through life changes and challenges. An especially good read for athletes who are looking to find comfort in the challenges that life can bring them as an athlete. Baylee writes about transitioning from being an athlete to finding a different career path in the working world, and how the life lessons she has learned in sport has helped her along the way.

Thank you Baylee for sharing! We are so proud of you and can't wait to read more about your new adventures! Keep on inspiring others like you know how!

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